Khamis, 27 Februari 2014

Pimples Acne

Oh my!!!!!.... my pimples getting worst..... huhuhu they said SNE would be cure my pimples.... but to me its getting worst n worst...

I think i should be more patience n just wait for another 2 month and see how is it work...


Isnin, 24 Februari 2014


Hari ni aku malas nk g keje... hari2 buat bende yg same.... sampai aku migrain nengok... dari aku pegi ofce tu.. baik aku duk umah... boleh telentang.. ngadap tv... karang klu aku kuar rumah... ade mate2 pulak...

Ni klu kat malaysia dh tentu2 jauh perjalanan aku nih.. hehehe.... memandangkan aku duk kat tmpt org..pulak tuh.. berdekatan dgn jenis org melayu kepoci..yg jenis duk umah buat 'ketupat' je kannnn... jap g teserempak... jadi masalah pulak kang... malas aku....

Makanya harini aku nk makan.. tgk tv... n buat suke hati aku lah... heee daaa...

Ahad, 23 Februari 2014

Balistik cinta

Perghhhhh movie ni mmg best.... kire lain sikit drpd movie2 melayu yg sblm ni... lain yg kite fikir pasal ending dia lain yg jadi... so syabas... menarik n so touching laaaa huhuhu d tmbh pulak ngan theme song diaaa.... waaaa syahdu babe.... PABALISTIK CINTA hurmmmmm not sure enuf about the meaning of that word PABALISTIk dh tgk lirik pun aku tak paham gak sbnr nya... hehehe tapi pape pun lagu ni sedih n best... hee

Alamak x boleh nk hupload lagu dia la pulak... hurmmm

Ahad, 16 Februari 2014


Sabtu, 8 Februari 2014


Haluuuu now im on my way to cardiff central... got student program... they had festival of divercity... im not sure what was that for.... but its quite interesting for me to get involve with student society here...

I will update later what are they doing for that festival in my up coming entry...

Byeee.... ����

Rabu, 22 Januari 2014


Haluuu guysss... i just bought this product.. and it was really much appreciated coz my friend try hardly to send it off.. huhu i wanna try this product i much as i can... till i can see the result.. i wanna be like scha al yahya heee..

I don't want to talk much.. i will update month by month to u guyss... and u wil now what the ends of this story ' me n  SNE '

Ambk gmbq sikitttttt....
